Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Find the Funky Five!

Here's the Funky Five guide. 1. Ask Phrux the fox with facts for this mission 2. Go to the Cazmo Club go inside and ask the bartender for the funky five. 3. Now go to the Garage, and ask the gorilla for the funky five. 4. Go to lake Cazmo, and look for the alligator ask him for the funky five. 5. Go to the amphitheater, and ask the lizard for the five. 6. Go to the mall, find Peter Panda. Ask him for the five. 7. You go to Phrux, and tell him you found the find he should give you a mission. 8. El Funkabra Peter Panda, Alligator at Cazmo Lake Lil' Funk, lizard at ampitheater is funkonaut, Gorilla at garage The Funaktor, and the last, the giraffe at the cazmo club der funkishinztel. 9. Now here comes the code words. I told you the code names so it wont be that hard, and remember pay attention to what the funky five say and Phrux. 10. Ok now just go talk to Mama Caz,she'll take you to the cazmo police dudes. 11. Now look in your inventory. YOU GOT A HAT AND JACKET! :D!

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